...become part of an organic and transparent process of educated choices leading to positive decisions...  

Boltree's proven construction methods combined with the Systematic Options provide numerous benefits:


At the beginning of any large project, especially the ones that can be life changing, as it is developing your own building, it is important to understand the environment, the most common errors that people like you have made, and the faceted aspects of a process that is not as clear as it may seem at first hint.

Scattered information gathering is usually at the foundation of the biggest mistakes made out there.

Although we have a quite lengthy consultation included in our Schematic design options, we offer a LIMITED amount of hours available per week to give you guidance and answer to your questions.

Contact us for a FREE 20 minute consultation. We will respond with Time and Date available.  




Our prefabrication system, when combined with economy of scale is a true winner. 

We offer extensive services for developers including master planning, proforma investment vs. return studies, prototype design and many other associated services. 



We know you have something in mind and a vision of what you want; we are here to help.

In our Custom Design process we can start either with a kickoff meeting/interview where you share your ideas and we brainstorm together, or you can share your inspiration images and sketches to lead us to a starting point.








Although we are architects ourselves, we love to cooperate with our colleagues around North America.

Our profession is about team work and problem solving, so if you have something in mind or a project that you are working on, or in embryo, we can be your resource to help you deliver to your client making use of our platform.


Just contact us to show us what you have in mind and we will assist you moving forward.



Our job is a mission and our mission is to put prefabrication ahead of the game since we believe that this is ultimately the future for both sustainability and financial accessibility thanks to a streamlined process, economical consciousness, redundancy in quality control and execution.

We are open to offer lectures at Architecture and Design Schools or any higher education program where a class may be related to what we do.

We would love to share our knowledge and some of our current projects with you.